Tuesday, June 28, 2011

happy fricken tuesday

To any and all of you who had day that was a little on the other side of crazy. To those of you who woke up to bony six-year-old knees digging into your legs, and whispered sweet nothings of runny poos in the night. To you who fed a baby at two hourly intervals. For the whole day. To you who encouraged a toddler who, in deciding to toilet train himself, has developed the delightful habit of removing pants and nappy upon waking from a nap and using the cot as a toilet. To you who boiled the kettle seven times only to drink three sips of cold coffee. To you who had to choose between washing your hair and shaving your legs in the shower this morning, because heaven knows, there isn't time for both.
The house is now quiet, there might be time to squeeze in a cuppa and five minutes of feet-up-on-the-lounge. Well done for getting through the day. It all begins again in a few hours!

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